
Check out some of my personal projects below!

View of Party Pack Trivia Blast

Party Pack

A based web app for friends to play party style games, like trivia, using their phones as controllers.

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Player perspective in VR game, attacking a monster

VR Wave Survival Game

An exploration in virtual reality game development and the power of VR devices.

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Gameplay of Galaxy Gauntlet game

Galaxy Gauntlet

A small video game created to learn Unreal Engine and basics to video game development.

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Astrophotography image with fiber optic strands connected to each star

Fiber Optic Strand Star Photos

A more hands-on project where I use astrophotography images plus fiber optic strands to create a different type of starscape experience. After proof of concept, I explore the possibility of using astro libraries to generate star maps for future pieces.

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