VR Wave Survival Game

An exploration in virtual reality game development and the power of VR devices.


  • Explore the power of VR
  • Build a VR Game
  • Use locomotion and controller tracking


  • Unreal Engine
  • C++
  • Game Design

This game was part of a final project for a grad level course that I took in college. Part of the final was writing a paper that discussed the development and final product of the project. The abstract of the paper and a video are below.

"The goal of this project was to build a virtual reality wave survival game. The game is an immersive experience that showcases the current generation of virtual reality systems like the HTC Vive. The gameplay involves a player defending against waves of attacking enemy monsters. The player can interact with beam rifles and lightsabers to attack the oncoming enemies. A realistic environment was created to help immerse the player in the experience. Room scale is built into the game, thus allowing the player to use slight locomotion to avoid enemy attacks. The incorporation of fast paced waves and player movement, not only create a mentally stimulating game, but lead to a substantially physical experience for the users. The combination of mental and physical interaction in this game creates an immersive, enjoyable experience. This type of game truly showcases the power of the HTC Vive and the current state of virtual reality."

I really enjoyed building this game, and spent a lot of time working on it. The video recording below doesn’t give the game justice, the video resolution is poor, I couldn’t capture the sound, and to truly experience it as intended, you need a VR headset. The video should at least showcase the features of the game. I will also attach some screenshots I took while building the game. I will try and record a better video with sound once I have an area to set up my VR headset.

Blueprint programming for the main gamemode in the game.

Blueprint programming for the main gamemode in the game.

Editor view of the game level landscape.

Editor view of the game level landscape.

View of the play area and the various spawners, objects, and environment effects.

View of the play area and the various spawners, objects, and environment effects.

Attacking the monster with the saber and causing the hit animation.

Attacking the monster with the saber and causing the hit animation.

Firing animation of a gun and the hit effect on the monster.

Firing animation of gun and the hit effect on the monster.